Industrial and commercial waste tipping services

01794 367 939 |

waste tipping services

Waste Tipping Services

Ace Liftaway hold Hampshire’s largest waste management licence enabling us to take 380,000 tonnes of waste per year. The waste is processed by our recycling and processing facility supplied by British Manufactures LJH and supported by our large range of mobile plant manufactured by JCB. Using the high standard of equipment, the plant enables us to recycle up to 90% of all waste material entering site.

The site is controlled by well-trained staff, with a weighbridge and two-way radios to ensure that communication, site rules and regulations are adhered to. We have an area for bin storage and a large waste reception area to ensure efficient tipping. To use the tipping facility a waste carriers license is essential, payment can be made on account, credit or debit card and cash.

We encourage small trade customers to tip at our Recycling facility making the job easy for small businesses who can tip in a central location, as well as collecting aggregates and soils from the same site to use for their customers.

The site is fully set up to receive industrial and commercial waste, our helpful and friendly team will help customers every step of the way and ensure that they are tipped quickly and efficiently as we understand a businesses’ need to have a quick turn around.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office on 01794 367939.